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Update on current achievement standards with planned review date of December 2020.

The ‘planned review date’ is an indicative date when a standard is next up for review. All standards listed on the Directory of Assessment Standards are required to have a planned review date. The Review of Achievement Standards (RAS) currently underway by the Ministry of Education is that review for all achievement standards.

The existing achievement standards will remain current and continue to be available for use until they are replaced by the new standards, developed through RAS. The new standards will be implemented in 2023 (Level 1), 2024 (Level 2) and 2025 (Level 3).

The Level 1 standards are already under development for each subject on the new Level 1 subject list. Subjects offered at Level 1 which are not on the new subject list will no longer be available from 2023. Assessments completed against the current achievement standards are valid until these standards have been replaced and/or are expired.

Standards for subjects which will not continue post RAS will remain available for use until 2023 (Level 1), 2024 (Level 2) and 2025 (Level 3) – these standards will then be expired.

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