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New Zealand Curriculum - Curriculum documents, guidance, and resources.

Secondary Education Portal - support for secondary teaching and learning.

NZQA - registered achievement standards and assessment materials.

Religious studies


Conditions of Assessment (Levels 2 and 3) for the Religious Studies achievement standards.

The Ministry has not developed assessment resources for the Level 2 and 3 standards. This is explained in the Rationale statement below.

Resources for managing NCEA assessment and distance learning

NZQA Emergency events information - NZQA information for schools and tertiary providers to support students working towards a qualification during and after an emergency or pandemic.

Religious studies - Internal Alternative Evidence Gathering Templates - NZQA templates to use to record student achievement and report results where remote assessment is the only practical option and the collection of direct assessment evidence from students has not been at all possible.

Rationale for Religious Studies standards

Nature of Religious Studies standards

The Religious Studies standards have been developed for a diverse Aotearoa New Zealand and need to be used by all schools and all students – by those with a specific religious affiliation and by those who have none but wish to acquire knowledge and understanding of religions. This is viewed as important in the context of globalisation and the migration of people of different faiths and cultures to Aotearoa New Zealand. Understanding religions contributes to understanding how belief systems function in societies and to the fostering of an inclusive society in Aotearoa New Zealand that reflects the histories and traditions of all its people.

Statement on religious diversity

"New Zealand is a country of many faiths. Increasing religious diversity is a significant feature of public life and includes those who profess no religion".

Source - The New Zealand Diversity Action Programme: National Statement on Religious Diversity

It is expected that the contexts used for the learning and assessment activities associated with the standards will relate to the local, national, and global communities of which students are members.

Why has the Ministry not developed Assessment Resources for the Level 2 and 3 standards?

The Ministry has not developed resources relating to individual standards because of the difficulties associated with selecting contexts that would be useful to teachers.

If a context were selected that related to a specific religious faith, the resource would not be engaging for those who did not espouse the faith that was used as the context. If generic contexts were used, they would be very abstract and therefore unlikely to be engaging.

It suggested that schools work together to discuss teaching learning and assessment matters and collaborate on developing assessment resources.

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