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New Zealand Curriculum - Curriculum documents, guidance, and resources.

Secondary Education Portal - support for secondary teaching and learning.

NZQA - registered achievement standards and assessment materials.



Resources to support internally assessed Levels 2 and 3 registered achievement standards for English, and resources for expired Level 1 achievement standards.

These resources are:

  • NZQA quality assured
  • aligned with The New Zealand Curriculum (2007).

Use of te reo Māori and other languages in assessments for English achievement standards

English is the primary language to be used when responding to learning outcomes assessed through the English achievement standards (internally and externally assessed standards), rather than te reo Māori or other languages.

It is expected that teachers will use their professional judgement about the use of phrases in te reo Māori or any other language. The use of te reo Māori or other languages is appropriate in written, oral and visual language where it is used to "create meaning and effect" or to reflect a specific context or for a specific audience. In these contexts, te reo Māori or other languages may be used to open in oratory contexts, or in written or visual responses to demonstrate characterisation, context and setting or for other effects. In these situations, it is expected that the majority of the student response is in English.  

Resources for managing NCEA assessment and distance learning 

Word document download - NCEA remote internal assessment resource.

Word icon. English AS91475 3.4R (Word, 142 KB)

Guide to managing student assessment during COVID-19 (PDF) - NZQA support to manage students’ learning programmes to meet the assessment requirements if there are disruptions.  

English - Internal Alternative Evidence Gathering Templates - NZQA templates to use to record student achievement and report results where remote assessment is the only practical option and the collection of direct assessment evidence from students has not been at all possible. 

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