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Service Industries Pathway

Vocational Pathways industries.

Find NZQA quality-assured assessment resources to support internally assessed Level 2 registered achievement standards for the Service Industries and resources for expired Level 1 achievement standards.

The resources for each pathway are grouped by level. The Level 1 resources are listed below. Select this link to go directly to the list of Level 2 resources.

Level 1 - expired



Vocational Pathway assessment resource title

Digital Technologies 1.41 91071

Word 2007 icon. SI Digital technologies 1.41 v2 The best of hair and beauty - expired (Word 2007, 179 KB)

Digital Technologies 1.42 91072

Word 2007 icon. SI Digital technologies 1.42 v2 Premium real estate - expired (Word 2007, 162 KB)

Digital Technologies 1.43 91073

Word 2007 icon. SI Digital technologies 1.43 v2 Snap, snip and show - expired (Word 2007, 157 KB)

Economics 1.6 90988

Word 2007 icon. SI Digital technologies 1.43 v2 Snap, snip and show - expired (Word 2007, 157 KB)

English 1.4 90052

Word 2007 icon. SI English 1.4 v2 Restaurant ruckus - expired (Word 2007, 176 KB)

English 1.5 90053

Word 2007 icon. SI English 1.5 v2 Our house - expired (Word 2007, 172 KB)

English 1.6 90857

Word 2007 icon. SI English 1.6 v2 Let’s hear about hair - expired (Word 2007, 173 KB)

English 1.7 90855

Word 2007 icon. SI English 1.7 v3 Targeting safety - expired (Word 2007, 174 KB)

English 1.7 & Health 1.3 90855

Word 2007 icon. SI English 1.7 v3 & Health 1.3 v2 Coping with change - expired (Word 2007, 185 KB)

English 1.8 90852

Word 2007 icon. SI English 1.8 v2 Serving others - expired (Word 2007, 174 KB)

English 1.9 90853

Word 2007 icon. SI English 1.9 v2 Taking issue - expired (Word 2007, 176 KB)

English 1.10 90854

Word 2007 icon. SI English 1.10 v2 Understanding sport and recreation as a career - expired (Word 2007, 174 KB)

English 1.11 90856

Word 2007 icon. SI English 1.11 v2 Hair, there, and everywhere - expired (Word 2007, 175 KB)

Generic Technology 1.11 91054

Word 2007 icon. SI Generic technology 1.11 v2 A truly ergonomic café - expired (Word 2007, 177 KB)

Geography 1.3 91009

Word 2007 icon. SI Geography 1.3 v2 Retail complex for the future - expired (Word 2007, 178 KB)

Health 1.1 90971

Word 2007 icon. SI Health 1.1 v2 Face of the company - expired (Word 2007, 178 KB)

Health 1.3 91097

Word 2007 icon. SI Health 1.3 v2 The flying trapeze - expired (Word 2007, 176 KB)

Health 1.3 & English 1.7 91097

Word 2007 icon. SI English 1.7 v3 & Health 1.3 v2 Coping with change - expired (Word 2007, 185 KB)

Health 1.4 90973

Word 2007 icon. SI Health 1.4 v2 Supporting each other - expired (Word 2007, 183 KB)

Home Economics 1.1 90956

Word 2007 icon. SI Home economics 1.1 v2 Square meals for seniors - expired (Word 2007, 177 KB)

Home Economics 1.1  & Physical Education 1.8 90956

Word 2007 icon. SI Physical education 1.8 v2 & Home economics 1.1 Fit for Waka Ama - expired (Word 2007, 185 KB)

Home Economics 1.4 90959

Word 2007 icon. SI Home economics 1.4 v2 Bacteria beware - expired (Word 2007, 175 KB)

Mathematics and Statistics 1.1 91026

Word 2007 icon. SI Maths 1.1 v2 ICU on the plane - expired (Word 2007, 175 KB)

Mathematics and Statistics 1.5 91030

Word 2007 icon. SI Maths 1.5 v2 Hair today and gone tomorrow - expired (Word 2007, 579 KB)

Mathematics and Statistics 1.9 91034

Word 2007 icon. SI Maths 1.9 v2 Poppy’s boxes - expired (Word 2007, 256 KB)

Physical Education 1.4 90965

Word 2007 icon. SI Physical education 1.4 v2 Focus on fitness - expired (Word 2007, 174 KB)

Physical Education 1.7 90968

Word 2007 icon. SI Physical education 1.7 v2 Safety first - expired (Word 2007, 175 KB)

Physical Education 1.8 90969

Word 2007 icon. SI Physical education 1.8 v2 A community event - expired (Word 2007, 175 KB)

Physical Education 1.8 & Home Economics 1.1 90969

Word 2007 icon. SI Physical education 1.8 v2 & Home economics 1.1 Fit for Waka Ama - expired (Word 2007, 185 KB)

Physical Education 1.9 90970

Word 2007 icon. SI Physical education 1.9 v2 It’s all about me - expired (Word 2007, 170 KB)

Processing Technologies 1.60 91082

Word 2007 icon. SI Processing technologies 1.60 v2 As easy as pie - expired (Word 2007, 162 KB)

Processing Technologies 1.61 91083

Word 2007 icon. SI Processing technologies 1.61 v2 Presenting processing in preserving - expired (Word 2007, 179 KB)

Science 1.11 90950

Word 2007 icon. SI Science 1.11 v2 Probiotics – beneficial bacteria in our food - expired (Word 2007, 171 KB)

Science 1.13 90952

Word 2007 icon. SI Science 1.13 v2 Local features - expired (Word 2007, 175 KB)

Science 1.14 90953

Word 2007 icon. SI Science 1.14 v2 The carbon cycle and travel and tourism - expired (Word 2007, 169 KB)

Social Studies 1.5 91043

Word 2007 icon. SI Social studies 1.5 v2 Youth minimum wage rate controversy - expired (Word 2007, 161 KB)

Te Reo Māori 1.1 91085

Word 2007 icon. SI Te reo Māori 1.1 v3 Te ao mahi - expired (Word 2007, 175 KB)

Te Reo Māori 1.2 91086

Word 2007 icon. SI Te reo Māori 1.2 v3 He hapa motuhake - expired (Word 2007, 175 KB)

Te Reo Māori 1.5 91089

Word 2007 icon. SI Te reo Māori 1.5 v3 Mā tāu rourou, mā tāku rourou, ka ora ai te manuhiri - expired (Word 2007, 176 KB)

Level 2



Vocational Pathway assessment resource title                                          

Digital Technologies 2.41 91368

Word 2007 icon. SI Hotel database v2 (Word 2007, 206 KB)

Digital Technologies 2.42 91369

Word 2007 icon. SI Hair online v2 (Word 2007, 206 KB)

Digital Technologies 2.43 91370

Word 2007 icon. SI An artisan website v2 (Word 2007, 206 KB)

Digital Technologies 2.48 91375

Word 2007 icon. SI If it’s too hot in the kitchen … v2 (Word 2007, 202 KB)

English 2.4 91101

Word 2007 icon. SI Promotions and objections v2 (Word 2007, 500 KB)

English 2.5 91102

Word 2007 icon. SI Our facility v2 (Word 2007, 202 KB)

English 2.5 & Physical Education 2.5 91102

Word 2007 icon. SI Te Matatini festival v2 (Word 2007, 210 KB)

English 2.6 91103

Word 2007 icon. SI Ethical choices v4 (Word 2007, 174 KB)

English 2.9 91106

Word 2007 icon. SI ‘Just response’ v2 (Word 2007, 203 KB)

Generic Technology 2.2 91355

Word 2007 icon. SI Innovative hairstyles v2 (Word 2007, 212 KB)

Generic Technology 2.8 91361

Word 2007 icon. SI Characteristics of cladding v2 (Word 2007, 205 KB)

Health 2.2 91236

Word 2007 icon. SI Financial support systems v2 (Word 2007, 211 KB)

Health 2.3 91237

Word 2007 icon. SI We’re all in this together v2 (Word 2007, 208 KB)

Home Economics 2.4 91302

Word 2007 icon. SI Pack a punch with plants v2 (Word 2007, 208 KB)

Mathematics and Statistics 2.8 91263

Word 2007 icon. SI The right price v2 (Word 2007, 200 KB)

Mathematics and Statistics 2.9 91264

Word 2007 icon. SI Staying away v2 (Word 2007, 201 KB)

Mathematics and Statistics 2.10 91265

Word 2007 icon. SI Investigating menu design v2 (Word 2007, 203 KB)

Mathematics and Statistics 2.11 91266

Word 2007 icon. SI Personal dilemmas v2 (Word 2007, 242 KB)

Physical Education 2.5 91331

Word 2007 icon. SI Pilates or yoga v2 (Word 2007, 205 KB)

Physical Education 2.5  & English 2.5 91331

Word 2007 icon. SI Te Matatini festival v2 (Word 2007, 210 KB)

Physical Education 2.6 91332

Word 2007 icon. SI Leading an adventure v2 (Word 2007, 199 KB)

Physical Education 2.7 91333

Word 2007 icon. SI Doing it safely: Whitewater rafting v2 (Word 2007, 196 KB)

Physical Education 2.8 91334

Word 2007 icon. SI Thinking of others v2 (Word 2007, 205 KB)

Physical Education 2.9 91335

Word 2007 icon. SI Let’s get physical v2 (Word 2007, 195 KB)

Processing Technologies 2.60 91351

Word 2007 icon. SI Master it like a chef v2 (Word 2007, 209 KB)

Processing Technologies 2.61 91352

Word 2007 icon. SI Kapai te kai v2 (Word 2007, 203 KB)

Processing Technologies 2.62 91353

Word 2007 icon. SI The secrets of storing wine v2 (Word 2007, 199 KB)

Te Reo Māori 2.1 91284

Word 2007 icon. SI Toro Mai Tō Ringa v3 (Word 2007, 210 KB)

Te Reo Māori 2.2 91285

Word 2007 icon. SI Ngā Mahi-ā-Rēhia v3 (Word 2007, 200 KB)

Te Reo Māori 2.5 91288

Word 2007 icon. SI Ko te kairapu, ko ia te kitea v3 (Word 2007, 199 KB)

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